You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings > General Settings
General Settings

The General settings on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen (v2.7) / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen (v2.8) apply to all Micronet Mobile modules.

To configure these settings:

  1. Display the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Convert text to upper case


Convert text to popup


Scan user each time



Show debtor text on post



Show order text on post



Switch Debtor/Courier

Select how you want Micronet to assign the default initial priority of picking slips. The priority determines the order in which paperless slips are downloaded to PDAs for picking. Those with a higher priority (lower number) appear higher up the list so they are picked first. That is, a slip with priority 1 will be picked before a slip with priority 10.

If you select Yes in this field:

  • Micronet finds the courier record as assigned on the picking slip, checks the default Courier Priority and sets the slip to that priority. If the Courier Priority is not set, it uses priority 109. (For more information about the Courier Priority field, refer to "Adding a New Courier".)
  • If Micronet can't find the courier record, it sets the priority to 105.
  • If the courier is set to 65535 (i.e. -1), Micronet checks the default Slip Priority set in the Debtor master file and sets the slip to that priority. If the Slip Priority is not set, it uses priority 103. (For more information about the Slip Priority field, refer to "File - Debtor - Extra".)

If you select No in this field:

  • Micronet checks the default Slip Priority set in the Debtor master file and sets the slip to that priority. If the Slip Priority is not set, it uses priority 103.
  • If a courier is assigned to the slip, Micronet finds the courier record, checks the default Courier Priority and sets the slip to that priority. If the Courier Priority is not set, it uses priority 109.
  • If Micronet can't find the courier record, it sets the priority to 105.



Technical Tip

There are no predefined picking slip priorities; they can be any value.

The initial priority of a picking slip can be set in a number of different places in your master files and company configuration. This is a complex topic. For more information, refer to 7. Mobile Applications > "Setting the Initial Priority of Picking Slips".



Use Large Display for Bins



Decimal Places

2.8 Feature

Enter the number of decimal places to be displayed on PDAs for selling prices and item quantities.


Width of Item

2.8 Feature



Width of Bin

2.8 Feature



No=Alt Supplier Yes=Units

2.8 Feature


  1. Configure any further fields on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen that are required for the Micronet Mobile Applications you have access to.